Geotagging user story updated

Today I updated the userstory about geotagging.

MyTracks is evolving well. Also I found some helpful plugins for Lightroom.

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Generating KMZ-File

I promised to finetune my Lightroom export setting and publish it here. Not that I am really satisfied with it, but as Tim asked for it, I publish the current status.

You need to install Lightroom Transporter.

Here is the Lightroom export preset (use context menu „save target to …“):

Note that this preset also moves camera settings as well as „IPTC Title“ and „IPTC Image Description“ to the KML-File.

I have to perform the following steps to create a kmz file:

  1. Select the geocoded photos in Lightrom
  2. Make sure that „IPTC Title“ and „IPTC Image Description“ are filled properly
  3. Export the photos using the preset above, you get a KML file named „summary.kml“
  4. Create a kml-file from the relevant tracks. I manage my tracks in MyTracks which provides an kml export feature.
  5. Open both kml-files in googleMaps, move the track to the temporary location with the photos
  6. Export the temporary location to a KMZ-File.

Known issues:

  • One has to click twice to an image to show the image in googleMaps properly. I gues this comes from the fact that I increased the size of theimages
  • I would love get rid of the manual steps

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Generating a KMZ file by Lightroom export

Today I managed to create a KML file by Lightroom export. You can play with the file by clicking here.

Thanks to Timothy Armes who created LR/Transporter. He was very responsive wrt to my enhancement requests such that I could use this to create a KML file for google earth. As of now I have to manually add the track and to zip it. But even this will hopefully getting better soon.

I plan to finetune the export settings somehow and to publish it here.

Read the rest of this post to see the embedded example.


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Getoagging userstory

I created a so called „User Story“ about geotagging. It specifies the scenarios of my Geotagging workflow. The document is intended as input for tool developers.

For those cases where no tool is mentioned, I could not yet find a solution!

The document can also be found as pdf in userstory-geotagging.


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Edit GPX files

I found a new tool to fix my GPX tracks. Have a look on It also supports combining Photos with GPS data. But I do not trust it. But for removing errornous trackpoints, it is pretty good.

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Meine Tools für Geotagging

Nun will ich doch mal zusammenstellen, wie das Geotaggen bei mir funktioniert … Weiter…

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