Generating KMZ-File
I promised to finetune my Lightroom export setting and publish it here. Not that I am really satisfied with it, but as Tim asked for it, I publish the current status.
You need to install Lightroom Transporter.
Here is the Lightroom export preset (use context menu „save target to …“):
Note that this preset also moves camera settings as well as „IPTC Title“ and „IPTC Image Description“ to the KML-File.
I have to perform the following steps to create a kmz file:
- Select the geocoded photos in Lightrom
- Make sure that „IPTC Title“ and „IPTC Image Description“ are filled properly
- Export the photos using the preset above, you get a KML file named „summary.kml“
- Create a kml-file from the relevant tracks. I manage my tracks in MyTracks which provides an kml export feature.
- Open both kml-files in googleMaps, move the track to the temporary location with the photos
- Export the temporary location to a KMZ-File.
Known issues:
- One has to click twice to an image to show the image in googleMaps properly. I gues this comes from the fact that I increased the size of theimages
- I would love get rid of the manual steps
Kommentar von Exporting KML files from Lightroom using LR/Transporter | Timothy Armes' Blog am 12.1.2009
[…] into Google Maps. He blogged about his successful results last October and has now released his preset for general […]
Kommentar von Louis Dallara am 6.3.2009
I’m attempting to get a KLM file out of Light Room.
I’m down to step where you enter the IPTC data. This is where I’m confused.
There are 4 sections to the data.
1-IPTC Contact
2-IPTC Image
3-IPTC Content
4-IPTC Status
Not sure where “IPTC Title” and “IPTC Image
Description” is located?
There’s a „Title“ under IPTC Status.
Under content there’s „Description Writer“
Question is that where the description goes?
Thanks for the great plugin..
Kommentar von Louis Dallara am 6.3.2009
Hi Bernhard;
I get the follow error on export:
Unable to Export:
an internal error has occurred:./LRTransporterExportTask.lua:191:bad argument#1 to ‚child‘ (string expected got, null)
Kommentar von bwl21 am 6.3.2009
Louis, I think you should report the problem to Tim
Kommentar von bwl21 am 6.3.2009
Louis, I think the best is to try it out. Make an export with all keywords, then you can try it out.
Kommentar von Louis Dallara am 6.3.2009
Hi Bernhard;
Thanks for the reply, I reported to Tim, cause it look like the errors coming from his script.
I did try with some data, I will try some other outputs to see that the script runs though.
Thanks again
Kommentar von Emmanuel am 16.7.2011
Hi Bernhard,
Thank you for sharing.
Can you please tell make clear where the lrtemplate file should be copied ?
Kommentar von bwl21 am 16.7.2011
I have copied it to /Users/beweiche/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Export\ Presets/User\ Presets and subsequently imported it in LR (kontext menu in Lightroom export dialog.
Kommentar von Exporting KML files from Lightroom using LR/TransporterPhotographer's Toolbox | Photographer's Toolbox am 7.11.2012
[…] into Google Maps. He blogged about his successful results last October and has now released his preset for general […]
Kommentar von Matthias am 21.4.2014
Are there any news on exporting to google maps?
The last issues were:
Known issues:
–One has to click twice to an image to show the image in googleMaps properly. I gues this comes from the fact that I increased the size of theimages
–I would love get rid of the manual steps
Any better solution know yet?
Kommentar von bwl21 am 21.4.2014
I am afraid there is no news with this respect.