Wirklich hilfreiche Photoshop Tutorials
Heute habe ich von einer Website gehört, wirklich gute Photoshop (und natürlich auch andere Grafik-Tools) Informationen und Videoblogs bietet. Schaut einfach mal selber. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Heute habe ich von einer Website gehört, wirklich gute Photoshop (und natürlich auch andere Grafik-Tools) Informationen und Videoblogs bietet. Schaut einfach mal selber. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
I recently detected how cool Photomerge (a Photoshop extension) really is. It is the best panorama merge I ever used. It is vey simple to use and gives very good results.
What I learnt:
This is the „Porsche Museum“ in Stuttgart, currently under construction. The picture is made of 15 images taken with focal length 22mm. Even if there are many details, you cannot see that it is stiched. Note that a person passed by. He is now four times on the pic.
This is a 180° panorama from Max Eyth See in Stuttgart made of 13 images
This beautiful tree is stitched of 20 images. I was standing about 5 meters in front of this 10-15 m tree. It is really amazing how precisely the image is stitched.
This is another panorama from Max Eyth See in Stuttgart, composed of 8 images.
After having used Adobe Lightroom for three weeks now, I find it a good approach but still not mature with respect of features. There are some desires which I collect here and post to the Adobe forum from time to time. My major issue is, how to migrate my data from IMatch or even let IMatch and Lightroom coexist.
So nun habe ich mal was gelernt und schreibe es einfach in meinen Blog. Dann finde ich es selber auch leichter wieder. Der Finder meines Mac crasht, wenn man auf jpg Files clickt … zumindest auf manche, die von Lightroom oder Photoshop oder sonstiger Adobe Software geschrieben wurde. Weiter…